These daily, weekly and monthly house cleaning schedules and checklists are sure to help you get your messy house under control – AND make your daily, weekly and monthly cleaning SO much easier.
If you need a cleaning schedule for home to help you keep your house clean, you’re gonna love these household cleaning chores checklists!
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Daily, weekly, monthly chores… oh my!
There has got to be a way to simplify mom life, right?
Good news – there is!
A simple cleaning schedule or checklist can really help make YOUR life easier and well… more simple.
If you want the best house cleaning checklists, schedules and printable planners –
(it’s really amazing -probably the BEST printable cleaning checklist pdf pack I’ve found).
Plus, you can use my personal discount code: MOMHACKS to get 25% off
If you really want to keep your house clean consistently, take a look at these super simple cleaning checklist template examples below.
Below there are at least 27 realistic house cleaning schedules, checklists, charts and more. If you need a SIMPLE weekly cleaning schedule or daily cleaning chart, you’ll find some great examples below that you can copy and edit for your housekeeping chores or print to use as is.
Here’s how to make your own cleaning schedule template that you can edit and print – or just design it on paper if you prefer.
In the quick tutorial video below, she is making a weekly house cleaning template that she turns into a pdf and prints.
This daily house cleaning checklist below is a really great list of daily house cleaning chores to do to keep your house clean and clutter-free WITHOUT feeling overwhelmed!
Super helpful to have a daily housekeeping routine that works!
The free weekly cleaning schedule below is my favorite – it’s REALISTIC and NOT overwhelming yet helps me keep my house clean.
I needed a cleaning schedule checklist that detailed out what day to clean bathrooms, cleaning day for my kitchen and living room, bedrooms, etc as well as daily cleaning tasks I should do every day to keep my house clean without losing my mind – and this is it.
This monthly cleaning schedule example is super helpful for a list of what to clean and declutter every month of the year.
I think it’s really helpful to remember which house cleaning chores to do monthly but I, personally, don’t think it’s a true DEEP cleaning checklist like this.
Here’s a really useful home maintenance cleaning checklist that shows how often to clean everything in your home.
This is a really solid daily house cleaning schedule that will help you keep your house clean, clutter-free AND keep you from getting OVERWHELMED.
What I really like about this daily cleaning checklist is that you’re only doing one load of laundry 4 days of the week (Monday – Thursday).
I can do ONE load of laundry 4 days of the week, can’t you?
☑ Tip: Does Your Laundry Stink?
Maybe your washing machine stinks?
Plus, this weekly schedule is set so you are NOT cleaning on Sundays.
Naturally, you can change it up to fit YOUR schedule, but as is, it’s pretty good!
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Here’s what to clean each day of the week:
Focus room: Bedrooms
__change sheets
__quick vacuum
Laundry load: sheets
Focus room: bathrooms
__clean bathrooms
__change towels
Laundry load: towels
Need To DEEP Clean Your Home?Focus room: kitchen
__clean out fridge
__clean off counters
__quick organize pantry
__quick sweep of floor
Laundry load: light colored clothes/whites
Focus room: Living room and dining room
__straighten & declutter
Laundry load: dark load
Focus room: All
__vacuum and/or mop all rooms
__clean mirrors, windows, ceiling fans
Focus room: none
__Outdoor chores
__take out trash
__clean out your car
__sweep garage
Off day – no cleaning!
You can easily turn that daily cleaning schedule into a page in your Bullet Journal!
☑ TIP: See More Bullet Journal Cleaning Schedule IdeasBelow are more example house cleaning charts and daily routines to keep your house clean.
LOVE this house cleaning task list to help with house cleaning by rooms in your home. If you need an everyday cleaning list, this cleaning checklist breaks down cleaning chores for each room in your house.
If you love BuJo planners, you will LOVE all these bullet journal cleaning schedule layout ideas!
Here’s just one idea for your planner or household notebook for an annual house cleaning and maintenance schedule:
A monthly cleaning schedule at a glance to organize your housekeeping tasks. Every day of the week for 30 days is detailed out with what you need to clean each day.
SUPER organized way to clean your house!
This day to day cleaning schedule is perfect for working moms. The checklist details everything you need to clean each day and each night (and don’t forget to get the kids to help! The daily morning chores are PERFECT chores the kids can do while YOU are at work.)
My House Was a MESS!
And my anxiety was through the roof!
I needed a plan to get it together - it was all pushing me over the edge.
Thing is - we LIVE here. I never had the fantasy that my home would ever look "Pinterest perfect".
I simply wanted more control, less clutter and much less anxiety.
✅ Insiders Tip:
They are airtight and they look GREAT sitting on my kitchen counters, in my cabinets and other storage spaces around my house!
I even use them for my desk and craft stuff - LOVE them!
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