The Temperament in Middle Childhood Questionnaire (TMCQ)

Middle Childhood

The TMCQ is a highly differentiated assessment of temperament in middle childhood. Temperament dimensions for which TMCQ scales have been created were developed and adapted from dimensions we have studied in both adults and infants via the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ: Rothbart, 2001), Hampton Individual Differences Questionnaire (Victor & Baker, 2001), the Childhood Temperament and Personality Questionnaire (CTPQ; Victor, Rothbart & Baker, 2003), and the CBQ-BPI (Ablow & Measelle, 1993; Hwang, 2002). Four factors have been reliably recovered from this instrument, labeled Negative Affectivity, Surgency Extraversion, Effortful Control, and Sociability/Affiliation.

Our initial work on the TMCQ included a self-report version that could be completed by children themselves. However, subsequent studies did not support the psychometric strength of this instrument and we no longer disseminate this self-report instrument.

The Questionnaire

The Temperament in Middle Childhood Questionnaire (TMCQ) has been designed to measure temperament in children aged 7 to 10 years. The following non-English versions of the ATQ are available for download:

The TMCQ assesses the following seventeen dimensions of temperament:

For questions regarding the TMCQ, contact Jennifer Simonds at Jen Simonds at [email protected] .

Please note that these questionnaires are to be used for research purposes only. If you are interested in acquiring current versions of these instruments, we request that you first complete our request form, providing us with a brief description of your plans for use of the measures. Following the completion of your research, we request that you contact us to inform us of the results of your project as they relate to the temperament scales.In this way, we hope to coordinate attempts at validation of the scales.