How to Start a Daycare in Louisiana

How to Start a Daycare in Louisiana

If you’re passionate about educating young children or have several years of experience caring for children, you’ve probably considered starting a daycare. However, your passion and entrepreneurial streak may not suffice to successfully get your business off the ground. Before operating, your childcare center must meet certain licensing requirements and state health and safety codes.

This article covers the childcare licensing requirements in Louisiana, the application process, and what you’ll need to stay compliant.

Do I need a childcare license in Louisiana?

One of the first steps to starting a daycare business is to create a comprehensive business plan and obtain the proper childcare license or register with the Louisiana Department of Education.

The Louisiana Department of Education defines a child daycare center as “any facility that provides care to seven or more children on a regular basis for at least 12.5 hours a week”. All center-based childcare providers in Louisiana must be licensed before starting operations. Operating without a valid license “may result in fines imposed by the department to a maximum of $1,000 per day for each day of such offense”. License-exempt care providers include public or private day schools serving children in kindergarten, grade one and above, and camps and all care provided without charge.

The types of child care center licenses you can apply for include the following:

Type I license

This license is issued to a daycare center owned or operated by a church or religious organization qualified as tax-exempt under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code and receives no state or federal funds directly or indirectly from any source.

Type II license

This license is issued to early learning centers that either receive no state or federal funds directly or indirectly from any source or whose only source of state or federal funds is from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food and nutrition programs.

Type III license

This license is issued to an early learning center that directly or indirectly receives state or federal funds from any source other than the federal food and nutrition programs.

You can also offer home-based/ in-home child care or family child care (FCC) in Louisiana. While you may not require a license, you must register and apply for a certificate from the Louisiana Department of Education. A home-based provider cares for a child in the child’s home, while a family child care provider cares for up to six children in the provider’s home. After registration is complete, you’ll need to become certified with the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) . The CCAP provides financial assistance to low-income families, helping them access high-quality child care while working or attending school.

Childcare licensing requirements in Louisiana

Director qualifications