A Mirror of Today’s Political Fray in Letters From 50 Years Ago

When constituents wrote to a senator from Tennessee in the 1960s about issues like health care, immigration and racial tensions, they often made the same arguments heard in 2017 — sometimes in the very same phrases.

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — “Things have really changed,” one man lamented in a letter from Crossville.

There are protests and riots in the cities, he said. The government is telling businesses whom they must serve, and intruding into health care. There is an open door to large numbers of new immigrants, people are trying to regulate the guns of law-abiding citizens, and the “forgotten man” who earns an honest wage has been abandoned.

Another letter writer insisted that it was time to heed the call of the “long suffering, put upon, silent, unorganized white majority.” Time, as yet another wrote, to put “Americans first above all things.”

From the sound of them, the letters might have been written yesterday — but they are a half-century old. They were sent by constituents in the mid- to late-1960s to Senator Albert Gore Sr., Democrat of Tennessee and father of the former vice president. The letters, a catalog of alarm and urgency, are now arranged on the quiet library shelves of a research center named for Mr. Gore at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro.

Kent Syler, a professor of political science, had his students read the old letters to understand how a congressional office works. As they looked through them, though, he was struck by how familiar they seemed — how their language often exactly matched the ones he was reading when he was chief of staff for Bart Gordon, a Democrat who represented a largely rural swath of Tennessee in Congress for 26 years.

“I would look at a letter and say, ‘Wow, I’ve heard this argument,’ ” Professor Syler said.

It makes sense that fears of American decline would echo across the decades, but what Professor Syler found surprising was how precise the echoes were, down to using identical phrases.

The subjects that prompted many of the letters were the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the 1965 law that ended national origin quotas for immigration; the creation of the Medicare program in 1965; the 1968 Gun Control Act; the Poor People’s March on Washington in 1968, a six-week demonstration on the National Mall organized by civil rights leaders; and the riots that erupted in cities across the country in 1967 and 1968.

With the current political atmosphere coming to resemble the hothouse of the 1960s, the letters’ echoes seem even more striking. On the one hand, Professor Syler said, this is reassuring. What might seem to be exceptional rancor and division now is hardly worse than it was in the 1960s, and the country made it through.

On the other hand, he noted, some of the issues contested in the letters had their roots a century before, when the country was torn apart by civil war — and yet they are still very much unresolved today.

“You sit down and read something that’s 50 years old, and the light comes on,” Professor Syler said. “I don’t know that unless you read it, you can believe it.”

Here are some examples drawn from the archive, grouped by subject, with notable passages highlighted.

On Civil Rights

“When our Nation gets to the point where it can tell the individual who he should hire, who he should serve and whom he is to associate with, he actually doesn’t have a business any more.”

Dec. 4, 1963

“In the light of our Christian beliefs, our traditional American value system, and the effect it has on our image abroad, ‘second class’ citizenship no longer seems defensible.”

Dec. 4, 1963

“The Civil Rights Bill was passed, did that satisfy them? No, and the next bill won’t, nor the next. All you hear from this group is discrimination, but the word has more than one meaning. The passing of that bill alone has torn the U.S.A. apart. Surely there is a man somewhere with enough guts to stand for our Constitution and our form of Government.”

May 12, 1968 On Medicare

“Once the precedent is set under the Social Security program, it is not unreasonable to expect a progressive extension until all segments of the public are covered, and the federal government is the sole purchaser of health care.”

March 17, 1965

“I wonder if you realize that you are helping to bring about full scale socialized medicine in the United States? Is this the kind of United States you are helping to create, the kind of United States you want your children to grow up in?”

April 8, 1965

“While we look to the Federal Government more or less as a father for guidance and assistance in many many phases or our lives, there must come a time when we have to say HANDS OFF. The MEDICARE BILL IS SUCH AN INSTANCE.”

March 24, 1965 On Immigration

“Regardless of circumstances, we have allowed too many foreigners to enter this country. The future of the United States may hinge on this very thing. Many of our leaders in Washington have lost sight of the fact that they were elected to serve the interest of the American people and not some foreign born minority group. Again I sincerely urge you do not be misled by the bleeding hearts. A political refugee and a displaced person has no place in America. It is high time the U.S. considers selling our form of government to our own people, not by flowery words and phrases but by action, such as Americans first above all things.”

Sept. 10, 1965

“Why not close all immigration until we can handle or, at least, control the thug element (Los Angeles-Philadelphia-Chicago, etc.) in our own country. I can’t help believe that more immigrants will but add to this problem, and at the same time, swell our welfare rolls. Don’t know your stand on this matter, but trust it will be in the interest of the ordinary citizen who works and pays taxes and is tired of seeing his tax money squandered on “dreamy-eyed” ideas about helping the underprivileged of some other country every time one comes along, when it seems we’ve got our hands full here at home.”

Sept. 10, 1965

“I think that we should stop immigration entirely. Improvements in machinery has rendered thousands unemployed. I know many people now who would gladly work if they had jobs, these are natives, good men.”

Sept. 20, 1965

“These are labeled as racial disturbances. I am convinced that they are planned and staged by a relatively small percentage of the Negro population, who, along with the Communists and fellow travelers are the ones who have been making an issue of ‘police brutality.’ ”

July 31, 1967

“I might suggest that before monies are appropriated to investigate reasons why riots occur, that thought be given to aiding city police with additional funds. Also, a campaign to honor and uphold the policeman rather than the absurdity of crying police brutality while riots run rampant through the nation.”

Aug. 1, 1967

“New York State has the strongest gun control law, yet it hasn’t stopped the murders in the parks and streets. The western states where there is no gun control have far better records than New York. Why do you think there is such a rush by the home owner to buy a gun. Only to protect his family and home. Do you think the criminal is going to register his gun if such a law is passed. Stop the riots with police brutality if necessary and stop the television coverage on all riots, and I believe there will be less rioting.”

July 5, 1968 On Gun Control

“Sure, the Constitution gives the right to bear firearms, but can’t the Constitution be amended? When I heard that 18,000 Americans were killed with guns last year, I was absolutely shocked. Especially when these figures are compared with countries with strong gun-control laws like France and England.”

July 16, 1968

“It is a fact and history has proved that you cannot legislate the morality of an individual. The misuse and mishandling of all fire-arms by a small minority of irresponsible persons has brought about this present situation.”

June 26, 1968 Unheard Voices

“The 1968 ‘Forgotten Man’ is not often in the news unless he has been mugged on his way home from work. The TV camera men don’t follow him around, the news commentators don’t hang on his every word, but he is the guy who will pay the taxes to provide the ‘guaranteed annual income’ for those who won’t work and to rebuild college buildings vandalized or burned down by ‘students’ and ‘non-students’ permitted on college campuses.”