What's New, What's Happening

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7-week Term F7B begins


Term F10 Withdrawal Deadline


Term F7B Withdrawal Deadline
The Economic Value of
Mercer County Community College

This report assesses the impact of MCCC on the Mercer County economy and the benefits generated by the college for students, taxpayers, and society as a whole in the state of New Jersey.

Talk with other students from around the world
Exchange thoughts on a wide range of mental health concerns with free TalkCampus app. details
2024-2025 Academic Catalog
Academic Honors Students
Scholarships for Credit Students

Apply Now through our online system! --> 1098T forms are now available on your MyMercer student portal. Check your Mercer email for instructions.
Click herefor more important information
related to the 1098T form

For additional information about qualified expenses on the 1098T go to the IRS website.

MCCC Events Photo Galleries

Speaking of Student Success

No matter where life takes you after your time at MCCC, alumni remain part of the MCCC community for the rest of their lives. Whether it is through volunteering, attending events, or financial gifts, there are so many ways to stay connected with current students, fellow alumni and with the College. -->

Elijah Dixon

Daniel Adomina

Tyler Weniger

“I wouldn’t trade my experience at Mercer for anything. It is a school with great professors.”

Willie Singletary

Full Story

Willie Singletary
’22 A.A.S., Funeral Service
Past Life’s Hardships Toward Commencement Speaker
“There are a lot of wise professors at Mercer. I was able to achieve my goals and find my path.”

Dean Blank

Full Story

Dean Blank
’16 A.A., Liberal Arts
Software Engineer Finds His ‘Good Luck’ Through Hard Work

“Opportunities were available to me because I was a Mercer student. So many people want you to succeed.”

Ryan Sarria

Full Story

Ryan Sarria
Aviation Flight Technology
Excels Academically and Finds Community with Fellow Veterans
Winter Session --> LATER-STARTING CLASSES --> Credit Classes --> Get Your Summer Started!

Fall Semester Credit Courses

Register Now!

Register Early for Best Class Selections

Local, Affordable, Achievable ~ GET THE JOB DONE at MCCC

We are pleased that you have chosen Mercer County Community College.
Click here for details on the easy application process.


Admission to Mercer County Community College is open to all people who can benefit from a post-secondary education. Mercer students represent a variety of ages and cultures, adding to the diversity and richness of a Mercer education.

Discover majors and in-demand careers and education based on your interests. Take a Career Assessment to learn about yourself and Career Coach will give you career suggestions based on your interests. Browse careers and we will give you relevant data on wages, employment, and the training you need. Explore the available programs that lead to the career you want.

We share a vision of a better future by exemplifying exceptional leadership, advocacy and support on behalf of the community colleges. Our mission is to make you as successful as possible.

Career Coach

Your Dream Job
Starts Here!